Protect your the hard earned dollars, reduce taxes and plan for the future while continuing to enjoy your lifestyle.

Creating security and building wealth 

Life Goals
Where do I start?

Life map ideas: Your Picture Goals: What do you hope to accomplish this year?

1. What Are Your Priorities?
2. What is important to you?
3. What can you do to make it better?

Specific Ideas: For your business or personal life

Setting your mission statement will make it so much easier to visualize your future.  When you’re evaluating what is most important, go into every aspect of your life and think about how you’d like to feel and what you envision.

Small steps lead to Your Big Picture vision.

Contact US 1-888-988-1324 for more information on how to start!

Let's Start Building Your Vision

Business Goals
Managing & Keeping Wealth 

When your business is successful, you need to enjoy it! Hard work will pay off. How do you protect your wealth, reduce taxes and plan for the future while continuing to enjoy your lifestyle, creating security and building your wealth while planning for the future?

1. Entrepreneurial - Business Start Ups
2. Entrepreneurial Wealth Management
3. Business Succession Planning
4. Estate Planning
5. Pension Plans 
6. Employee Benefits Planning
7. IPP's -An individual pension plan or IPP is a Canadian retirement savings vehicle. An IPP is a one-person maximum defined benefit pension plan which allows the plan member to accrue retirement income on a tax-deferred basis
8. Tax Planning and more!

Contact a Specialist to Build a Plan

Starting by Booking a Consultation Today

Own your journey and we will assist you in navigating your plan.  
Call 1-888-988-1324 or Book a in Person or Phone consultation Today!

Creating Wealth needs to be a flexible journey.

Flatland Power Health & Wealth offers three packages, tailored to your needs.

Flex 65-70

A frequently asked the question, how do I ever get to retire?

No matter what age you start your plan, there are solutions. 

Starting the Plan is key!

Given a time span of 8 -15 years access to a team of professionals, the right products – structuring to maximize CPP, GIS there is a solution of all of us.

Flex Start

New in the job market?
New in your business?

The good news is, you have lots of time to build you wealth.

This package focuses on your wealth requirement in 4/8/12 year cycles. Ensuring you have the products in place to get you on the Property Ladder, flexible investment strategies that build wealth and a Segway into more sophisticated wealth products as you grow.

Flex Succession

Succession for Small Business, Family Businesses and Farm Owners, we aim to provide tax planning, wealth continence and some of the softer solutions in passing the torch to the next generation.  

Watch for updates as we will be bringing more solutions that safeguard you, your family and the business you built.

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Wealth Newsletter

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